
영어 신문 읽기_엔구_플라잉카, 온라인 식료품 장보기

Mr. Lim 2021. 7. 18. 18:47


  • runway : 활주로
  • aviation : 항공
  • prototype : 시제품


  • The prototype AirCar took off from the international airport in Nitra, Slovakia and landed about half an hour later in the capital Bratislava, some 75 kilometers away. 
  • take off from A ↔ land in B
  • It is now working on AirCar Prototype 2, which is expected to be able to fly up to 1,000 kilometers at a time at speeds of 300 kilometers per hour
  • at a time : 한번에
  • it might take a while before the car is shown to be safe for use.
  • take a while : 좀 걸린다 | for use : 쓰기에

출처 : 


Slovakian 'AirCar' Completes Test Flight Between Cities | Engoo 데일리뉴스

A flying car made by Slovakian company Klein Vision has successfully completed a 35-minute flight between two cities.


Klein company의 Aircar 영상



  • pass up : 지나치다
  • cut down : 줄이다
  • impulse purchase : 충동구매


  • The study found that, when shopping online, people spent an average of about $2.50 less on unhealthy impulse purchases, such as candy, ice cream and cakes, compared to shopping in stores.
  • spend om A : A에 돈을 쓰다 | an average of : 평균적으로
  • While the study did not look at the reasons why people spent less on unhealthy foods when shopping online, the authors say that customers may not feel such a strong need to buy these products when they don't see them in person
  • in person : 직접
  • The study also found that most shopping is still done in person, with participants ordering groceries online only around 20% of the time
  • with S ~ing : S는 ~하면서

출처 :



People Eat Less Junk Food When Buying Groceries Online | Engoo 데일리뉴스

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