Qatar Airways Named World's Best Airline for 2021 | Engoo 데일리뉴스
While travel may be difficult right now, could help you choose which company to use when you fly again.
- ranks airlines on a number of different criteria, including the age of the airline's planes, passenger reviews, and what types of products the airline offers on its flights.
- rank A on B : B에 따라 A 순위를 매기다 | a number of 수많은
- Speaking to CNN Travel, Geoffrey Thomas of said that the way Qatar Airways responded to the challenges of the pandemic put it at the top of the list, as did the way it worked hard to keep its routes open.
- Speaking to AAA : AAA와 인터뷰에서
Later School Start Gives Teens Better Sleep | Engoo 데일리뉴스
영어 학습자를 위한 세계적인 시사 뉴스. 모든 레벨에 대해 매일 업데이트되며, 초급에서 고급까지 제공됩니다!
- Also, about one in 10 high school students reported better quality sleep, and one in five said they felt less sleepy during the day.
- one in 10 : 10명 중 한명
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